Sunday, July 14, 2024


[Peer Reviewed Articles]

E2019-1. Lee, H., Waghmare, P., Kim, Y., Hong, J. H., Yadav, Y., Jadhav, N., Shin, D. H., and Shinde, V. S. (2019). Traumatic injury in a cranium found at Rakhigarhi cemetery of Harappan civilization as anthropological evidence of interpersonal violence. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 23: 362–367.

E2018-7. Shinde VS, Kim YJ, Woo EJ, Jadhav N, Waghmare P, Yadav Y, Munshi A, Chatterjee M, Panyam A, Hong JH, Oh CS, Shin DH. Archaeological and anthropological studies on the Harappan cemetery of Rakhigarhi, India. PLoS One. 2018 Feb 21;13(2):e0192299. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0192299. PMID: 29466426; PMCID: PMC5821334.

E2018-11. Shinde V, Lee H, Yadav Y, Waghmare P, Jadhav N, Hong JH, Kim YJ, Shin DH. A young couple's grave found in the Rakhigarhi cemetery of the Harappan Civilization. Anat Cell Biol. 2018 Sep;51(3):200-204. doi: 10.5115/acb.2018.51.3.200. Epub 2018 Sep 28. PMID: 30310712; PMCID: PMC6172592.

E2018-12. Woo, E.J., P. Waghmare, Y. Kim, N. Jadhav, G.U. Jung, W.J. Lee, Y. Yadav, A. Munshi, M. Chatterjee, A. Panyam, J.H. Hong, C.S. Oh, D.H. Shin, V. Shinde 2018. Assessing the physical and pathological traits of human skeletal remains from cemetery localities at the Rakhigarhi site of the Harappan Civilization. Anthropological Science 126(2): 111-120.

E2018-13. Shin, D.H., Kim, Y.J., Bisht, R.S., Dangi, V., Shirvalkar, P., Jadhav, N., Oh, C.S., Hong, J.H., Chai, J.-Y., Seo, M. and Shinde, V., 2018. Archaeoparasitological Strategy Based on the Microscopic Examinations of Prehistoric Samples and the Recent Report on the Difference in the Prevalence of Soil Transmitted Helminthic Infections in the Indian Subcontinent. Ancient Asia, 9, p.6. DOI: 


J2023-4. ヴァサント・シンデー,金容俊,申東勳,小茄子川 歩. 生物人類学と古病理学からみたインダス都市の繁栄と衰退. 都市化の古病理学 単行本. 雄山閣 (2023/12/27)


KM2019-1. 신동훈, 김용준, 오창석, 홍종하. 인더스 문명 유적 조사보고 (1). 8년에 걸쳐 이어진 인도 고고학 현장의 한국팀 발굴조사 이야기. 한국의 고고학. 42호. 주류성

KM2019-2. 신동훈, 김용준, 오창석, 홍종하. 인더스 문명 유적 조사보고 (2): 라키가리 유적 발굴 조사 전말. 한국의 고고학. 43호. 주류성

KM2019-3. 신동훈, 김용준, 오창석, 우은진, 이혜진, 홍종하. 인더스 문명 유적 조사보고 (3): 라키가리 유적에서 찾은 남녀 합장묘. 한국의 고고학. 44호. 주류성. 

Ancient Indus Valley Civilization Cemetery Unearthed in India

Ancient Indus Valley Civilization Cemetery Unearthed in India
National Geographic News (2018)